A blog is easy to start if you want to make extra money. If you want to make money as a writer creatively, you must plan how to make your blog work. If you’re going to start a blog and make money, this step-by-step guide will show you how.

What Does a Blog Do?

A blog is a website with content that you regularly update. The content is usually related to a specific topic. A blog is likelier to have a personal tone than news outlets and other publications. This helps them connect with their readers on a deeper level. There are many reasons why people start their blogs, such as:

  • To share their thoughts and interests or look into their lives
  • To show other people what they know
  • To get more email addresses
  • To build their reputation as an expert
  • To get paid on the web
  • Any or all of the above put together

Because of these things, blogging can be very satisfying, especially when people you don’t know start reading your posts, but it’s also a responsibility. It’s important to be as consistent as possible with both how often you post and the type of content you publish, whether you do it every day, once a week, or once a month. People who start a business or personal blog almost never see results right away. To stay motivated in the beginning, you’ll need to keep your eye on the goal.

How to Start a Blog?

These are the steps you need to take to start a blog:

  1. Find a way to earn money from your blog.
  2. Choose a writing topic.
  3. Pick a blogging site and theme.
  4. Pick a blog and a web address.
  5. Plan how you’re going to post.
  6. Plan out how you will use social media.

The hardest thing about blogging is making sure you have enough time and thoughts to do it every day. On the other hand, getting started is pretty easy.

1. Figure Out How to Make Money From Your Blog

It might not make sense, but if you want to make money blogging, you should focus on making money first and then on writing content. A good plan for making money from your blog should come before your first post because it affects the types of content you post and how you grow over time. To begin, you should see your new blog as a business, not a way to express your creativity.

A lot of people think that the only way to start getting money from blogging is to use something like Google AdSense. But while ads can help make money, they need a lot of visitors to be profitable. Thank goodness there are a lot of other quick and easy ways to start a blog and make money from it without needing a huge following.

Here are some ways to make money:

  • Using affiliate links
  • Provide Services
  • Digital Products

2. Choose a Writing Niche

There is a lot of information on the web. It might seem difficult to stand out, but there are two ways to focus on a specific area and write content that readers need help finding. There are several ways to do this:

  • Your new blog should be about a particular place.  
  • Your blog’s theme should be about a particular part of a bigger group.  
  • Use a different voice or style for your blog posts. 

3. Pick A Blogging Site And Theme

You’ll need to set up your blog server and content management system before you can write your first post. This is where many people who want to start their blog get stuck if they’re not sure which site to spend their time and money on. Choose between a self-hosted or hosted blogging tool most of the time:


You can usually make more changes with these platforms, but you’ll have to pay a hosting company a monthly fee to run your site. A web hosting plan costs money and needs to be set up first. If you want to go with self-hosted, WordPress is the best open-source software.


Setting up your blog will go faster if you use a managed site. For example, all of Shopify’s plans come with servers. But unlike Shopify, some driven sites, like Blogger or Wix, will limit how you can customize them. These are the things you should look for in a platform:

  • It’s simple to use
  • Doesn’t need HTML or writing skills
  • Can grow with you

4. Pick a Blog And a Web Address (Domain)

Once you’ve found a domain name, you can think about what you want to call your site. If you’re not making a personal blog or portfolio site, you should avoid using your name as your custom website. You can still be the blog’s face even if your name isn’t in the URL. And it’s much easier to build a strong brand when you give your blog a creative name that fits its message.

Read More: Tips To Write Blog Posts Faster With An AI Writing Tool

5. Make a Strategy for How You Will Publish

Every writer needs to keep a steady stream of ideas on hand. To make sure you never run out, it helps to plan. Make a content calendar to help you remember your thoughts. The following should be on our material calendar:

  • What kind of material you’re making
  • What groups you’re trying to reach
  • Which methods of distribution do you use, and when do you put it out

A simple spreadsheet can help you make a content planner. There are, however, much better tools out there. You could use Trello, Airtable, or Asana because they make it easier to organize material.

It’s also helpful to think about the types of content you blog about so that you can get a sense of its scale and figure out what tags and categories you might use to keep everything in order as you add more great content. Here are some types of blog posts you could write:

  • EverGreen
  • Topical writing
  • Seasoned content
  • Important pieces
  • Picture content

You should try to plan each blog post at least one month ahead of time, and you should post regularly so that your readers know when to expect new posts. The plan can always be changed if a big story comes up that needs to be written quickly.

Make a plan before you start writing blog posts. Writing a plan is a good way to make sure you cover all the important points you need to. Some bloggers may choose to skip this step. This will help you include all the important keywords and take your mind off of the end goal so you can enjoy the trip. Here are some easy things you should do after writing your blog post but before you hit “Publish”:

  • Use titles to organize.
  • Add pictures

6. Plan Out How You Will Use Social Media

It might seem smart to promote your new blog on all social media sites, but it can be hard to keep up with and doesn’t always work. Pay attention to the sites where your audience spends the most time instead. Do they join certain groups or forums? Do they use TikTok or Facebook? The channels you use will depend on your niche and the tools you have.


I'm Nayab Kiran, an adept WordPress developer and dynamic content creator. With extensive experience in crafting functional, visually compelling websites, my work spans diverse niches globally. Passionate about driving professional growth and success in the realms of technology, business, science, and marketing, I bring a fresh entrepreneurial perspective to illuminate your brand online.

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