7 Contradictions in Artificial Intelligence

Contradictions in Artificial Intelligence

Every technology comes with its own set of contradictions, and AI is no exception. It offers benefits and drawbacks simultaneously. This complexity makes it challenging for business and IT leaders to decide how to implement AI in their organizations. They have to consider big budgets, get everyone on board, and reallocate resources, which isn’t straightforward.

Let’s take a look at some well-known contradictions in Artificial Intelligence.

The contradictions in Artificial Intelligence that you should know about are given below:

1.   AI cuts down on the need for labor but raises the bar for skills:

Building AI-driven systems needs specific skills, which is one of its biggest challenges. For instance, AI takes over jobs that people used to do. A survey by Rackspace Technology found that 62% of participants noticed a decrease in their workforce because of AI.

However, the most common problem they face is not having enough people with the right skills to implement AI, as mentioned by 67% of respondents.

2.   AI is difficult to develop and utilise, but it simplifies app deployment:

 While the development and implementation of advanced technologies can be challenging, they greatly facilitate the process of app development and deployment.

The primary beneficiaries of these technologies are tech professionals. They utilize these tools to automate routine processes, enhance quality checks, accelerate app development, streamline network operations, and eliminate manual tasks.

Insights from an IBM Watson Group survey highlight these advancements in technology. Moreover, these tools enable developers to concentrate on more creative aspects of app creation by handling the more repetitive coding tasks.

They also promote efficient resource utilization, leading to quicker project completion with fewer errors, resulting in a more efficient development process. Discover how AI simplifies app development at https://linkupst.com/services/ai-development/.

3.  AI is expensive to set up, but it can save IT costs:

While the initial setup of advanced technology systems can be costly, they offer potential benefits in controlling and reducing IT expenses. The emerging practice of FinOps, which is centred around the intelligent management of technology spending, stands to benefit significantly from these advanced systems, as noted in a study by the FinOps Foundation.

However, adopting FinOps and similar approaches may be essential to manage the costs associated with developing and maintaining these sophisticated systems. Over time, this investment can lead to substantial cost savings by improving efficiency in resource use and minimizing unnecessary expenditures.

Furthermore, incorporating these systems into financial operations can yield deeper insights into expenditure trends, facilitating more strategic and well-informed budgeting choices.

4.   AI automates tedious tasks but also requires more ingenuity:

Advanced systems are adept at handling routine tasks, which in turn encourages a greater need for creativity in the workplace. The World Economic Forum reports that about half of the current workforce skills may undergo significant changes within the next five years.

The key skills gaining importance are those related to innovative thinking and problem-solving in challenging work situations. This trend underscores the necessity for ongoing learning and adaptability among employees, as they need to keep pace with technological progress.

With the automation of standard tasks, there’s an increased demand for abilities in critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem-solving. Additionally, this change in the work environment brings to light the growing significance of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills as roles focusing on human interaction become more vital in a technologically advanced workspace.

5.   AI might not always benefit the companies that need it the most:

 The benefits of cutting-edge technology might not always reach the companies that need them most.

There’s a prevailing notion that heavy investment in the latest technology, along with substantial spending on solutions and consulting, will automatically lead to business growth and enhanced customer satisfaction. However, in practice, it’s often the less efficient and slower-to-adapt companies that could benefit the most from these technological advancements but find it challenging to implement them effectively.

Conversely, more progressive organizations, which might already be performing well without these technologies, tend to be the ones embracing and championing their use. This situation calls for a more customized approach to adopting new technologies, taking into account each company’s unique needs and capabilities.

It also highlights the critical role of adequate support and training in ensuring successful technology integration, enabling businesses of all efficiency levels to harness the potential benefits of these modern tools.

6.   AI requires a lot of data yet simplifies data management:

While advanced systems require substantial data to operate efficiently, they also streamline the process of managing this data. Quality data is essential for these systems to perform effectively.

In parallel, these systems contribute to enhancing the quality of data itself. Despite their high data consumption, their real advantage lies in their ability to locate and organize necessary data for analysis-dependent systems efficiently. These systems automate the data cleaning process, ensuring both the accuracy and reliability of data, which is crucial for operational integrity.

This automation not only conserves time but also minimizes human errors in handling data. Moreover, their advanced analytical tools provide deep insights from extensive datasets, supporting better strategic decisions. Finally, their ability to adapt to new data inputs continuously improves their analysis and output, proving invaluable in dynamic business scenarios.

7.     AI is super smart in some ways but surprisingly simple in others

This is known as Moravec’s paradox, named after Hans Peter Moravec from Carnegie-Mellon University. He pointed out that it’s relatively easy to get computers to perform like adults in intelligence tests or playing games like checkers. However, it’s tough, sometimes even impossible, to give them the basic skills of a one-year-old in terms of understanding what they see and moving around. Watch this video to understand more about AI’s capabilities and limitations:

AI holds a lot of promise for solving various business challenges and seizing opportunities. However, the trade-offs it brings are quite intriguing and will likely keep us puzzled for a while.


To conclude it all, every technology comes with different contradictions and Artificial Intelligence is no exception. There are several contradictions related to AI. However, we have discussed 7 of the important ones in the information given above.

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